Thursday, March 22, 2018

Reviving the dead Molly May

Well believe this coincidence, I make that blog of Molly May and that personality tada, right after that starts being active on FB again. Only this time they created a new Molly May account (again with a hidden join date) and shocker, it posts everywhere right behind Gary.
I'm sure another youtuber used that graphic for their profile picture. Was it Princess Bubbles?

  It's as if Molly May and Stingray are connected at the hip. LOL.  I also mentioned the arrival of Gary's sister in law who went by Sharon Bose until I pointed out that it was really weird the last name was one letter off, which then (refer to posting on BV's livestream) is in the live stream as Sharon Boze and now her profile simply says Sharon B. Again hidden join date.  Some advice for folks suspecting fake youtube accounts, bookmark that account. Keep watching it, even if they change their name, the channel address stays the same so you can tell what the new name is.

 Interesting it was only after I told how to log into a livestream, Gary brings in his second character, his sister in law.  Interesting his sister in law who's never been on YT before is active and campaigning on the same exact videos Gary is and with exactly the same viewpoint, it's as if.. Oh wait, no Gary wouldn't create another character to add to his charade?
Molly May posting within seconds of Gary on another youtuber's video. Hmm How did they both find the video at the same time..oh wait..

Then Gary posts this weird video, with his old Molly May persona,  And guess who posts in the comments below shortly after it's posted. You guessed it, Molly May, 
Watch all three of these youtube characters, they all have the same speech pattern, grammar mistakes and weird phrasings. It's almost as if..........  Oh don't blow his cover, Gary's crazy enough to think he can get away with it. Just as I've cautioned everyone,  don't let this loser know where you live. Don't give him the information to harass you with.